Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Delivery Date Set!

I had my 32-week appointment today and Dan joined me since I was having an ultrasound done. The baby looks great, but we were disappointed at how short a time the doctor spent looking her over. My blood pressure was pretty high during the appointment which caused the doctor some concern along with the fact that my Braxton Hicks contractions are starting to increase. My blood pressure went down some after lying down, which is somewhat comforting I guess. I'm hoping that my stress level from work today contributed to the reading, but now I have weekly appointments scheduled to keep a closer eye on it. He also told me to create my own periods of rest when I feel contractions or feel like my blood pressure is high. I was told this weeks ago as well and haven't followed through on it, but probably need to take it more seriously now. I feel like he is on the edge of putting me on bed rest, but is trying to give me a chance to manage it on my own before he lays down the law. Let's hope for the best :)

I asked him to give us a date on when the c-section would be. Right now it is set for April 6th, but that is only if all goes well. I have a ways to go and know that things don't always go as planned!!


Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness, how exciting is that?!! I can't believe how close it's getting!!