Monday, September 8, 2008

Small Steps

Jacob took his first official steps last Monday (Labor Day)! We first thought it was a fluke, but then he kept doing it. Each day he walks a little better than the last, but he still has a ways to go before he takes off I think. The farthest he has gone is about five feet before falling. We try and work with him and encourage to walk to us, but he actually does his best when he lets go with his own free will and walks to his own destination. It is such a strange sight to see someone so tiny walk.

In other developments, Jacob crawled up the stairs for the first time this weekend. Although it was my idea, I'm not sure how I feel about it. Now that he's been exposed to the stairs, he has more curiosity about them. We are searching for a gate to put at the top of the stairs so we don't have to worry about any tumbles, but have yet to find one wide enough and convenient enough for us to pass through easily.

Jacob isn't very interested in his toys lately because he would much rather explore and look for trouble. We had to put a latch on our pantry because everytime we turned around he was in it. It is so exhausting chasing after him, but we are really enjoying this stage that he is in right now!!