Friday, August 29, 2008

Proud Moment for Papa

This morning Jacob was in the family room playing while the TV was on. Dan and I were in the kitchen getting ready for the day and all of sudden the channel on the TV changed. Jacob had gotten hold of the remote and changed the TV channel to ESPN. We just laughed hysterically because it was like he had enough of what was on TV and wanted to watch Sportscenter. He is ALL Dan's son!!

Jacob had his 9-month check-up yesterday. He is 20 lbs 9 oz (47th percentile) and 29 inches (74th percentile). This confirmed my suspicion that he has thinned out. His clothes fit more loosely these days. It's wild to think that he was in the 88th percentile of weight back in the beginning!

He also definitely suffers from allergies. The poor kid will probably have to suffer for awhile longer. At least now I don't need to worry about him passing germs onto other kids. My secret fear is that his allergy is to Rascal, but we'll see.

We also got the green light to start table foods. He has already had some, but now he's ready on a more consistent basis. This will be a dramatic shift in our eating habits. We typically eat around 8:00 and don't eat fully balanced meals. In the end, this will be a good change for all of us.

Hope everyone has a good Labor Day weekend :)