Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rascal's Living up to his Name

Rascal has been fairly great with the whole baby situation thus far. He keeps his distance from Jacob, unless Jacob turns his back on him and then Rascal tries to "have his way" with him. One of my worries with bringing a new baby into the picture was finding a way to keep Rascal away from Jacob's toys. Well to our surprise, Rascal hasn't shown interest in them. The only thing he tries to steal is Jacob's pacifer and then he rips it to shreds. The other night I noticed Rascal in another room knawing on something. He got hold of Jacob's teether and tore that sucker apart! I think that I picked up nearly 100 pieces off of the floor, which is amazing because he had only gotten to about 1/3 of the toy.

Here is just a sample of the chewed-up teether