Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hoping for a Healthy Week

My goal for the week is for Jacob to make it to daycare each day. We kept him home from daycare Monday through Thursday last week until he was past the contagious stage of the Hand, Foot, Mouth virus. He was so lucky that he only got a mild case of it with just a few blisters and no fever or discomfort. He basically acted like his normal self all week. It was a real treat to be able to spend "bonus" time with him at home! It turns out that the virus was just contained between Jacob and his "girlfriend" at daycare. We've been told that he and this other girl spend a lot of time playing together and have been titled the couple in the room. So cute.

Just when we thought Jacob was healthy again, he spiked a 103 degree fever Friday night that lasted until Saturday afternoon. Jacob has been through lots of illnesses, but this is the first one that really brought him down. The poor kid couldn't stay awake and even fell asleep standing up while leaning against the couch waiting for his milk :( It turns out that he has an ear infection which is what we suspected since he started a new cold last week. His immune system was probably shot from fighting the other virus. Anyways as of last night, he was back to his old self and even fought us going to bed last night.

We had to cancel family visits this weekend, so it has turned into a very quiet weekend. We kept him home from church because we're following the "fever-free for 24 hours" rule before exposing him to other people. We're taking him to get a Halloween costume this afternoon and probably a trip to the shoe store to get his first pair of shoes. I am so excited to see how he does in them and maybe even take him outside to play for the first time!! (That is if we can tolerate those little black bugs that bite. All of our neighbors were complaining about them yesterday.)

Hopefully the next post will be a video of Jacob walking in his new shoes!!