Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Several Firsts

Jacob has accomplished several things for the first time recently. I suppose that when you have a newborn, everything is a first, but we are still excited about them nonetheless! The first picture is of "rapper" Jacob as Dan has titled this picture. Thought I would share this since I thought it was both cute and funny.

Onto the firsts.... We submitted to using a pacifier for the first time a week ago and he took to it immediately. I have no idea why we waited so long to try it, but it is the greatest thing! Now if Jacob won't settle down with simple things like rocking or swinging, in goes the pacifier. We use it all the time now :)

The same night we started using the pacifier, we gave him his first bottle. Our pediatrician recommended introducing this now so I can begin gaining some freedom back. Dan now gives him one a day and he gulps it down like he's a starving child. I love having one less feeding to do a day and now feel like I can leave the house and not feel pressured to be back in two hours. The other picture I attached to this blog is of Dan feeding Jacob last night and Jacob is actually holding the bottle himself. This is probably just a coincidence to where he put his hands, but it was exciting to us anyways!!

Another great first is that Jacob is starting to sleep in his crib for short naps. I have been trying to lay him down in it off and on during the day to practice for nighttime. We tried putting him in his crib last night, but it only lasted maybe 15 minutes. We're anxious for him to become comfortable in his crib at night, but we may have a long ways to go :( We are still not good at letting him cry. He may get five minutes tops before one of us picks him up to soothe him. Hopefully this won't make him spoiled!

One other first relates to me. I got permission to start working out again and I walked two miles on the treadmill the other day and did great! It felt so good to work up a sweat and use my muscles. It has been a long nine months of lethargy and my muscles are so flabby. I would love to be able to run again soon. I'm desparate to fit into my regular pants again and to put away the elastic pants!! I have about 12 pounds to go, but I also have several pounds of muscle to regain. My goal is to get back into my regular clothes by the time I return to work in five weeks.

Jacob's umbilical stump has been working itself off the past couple of days and I think that it will be completely off by tomorrow. The exciting part of this is that once it is off he can have a real bath. We can't wait to see how he does in a tub of water!

Well, I know that there are a lot of firsts yet to come, but these are still exciting to us right now :)
