Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Only a Diaper Change a Mother (or Father) Can Love

Hello --

I'm just going to start out this post with a warning - for those of you who are faint-hearted or are eating, you might want to skip this!

Up until now I have painted a picture that Jacob is this sweet and rosy baby that is the light of our lives. Well, that was until yesterday! I have mentioned that Jacob is a great eater, which is great, but that also means that his volume of poop is in excess. Here I am thinking that everything is going well yesterday and I am changing him before feeding him with the hope of having some time to myself afterwards. He had a very loaded diaper and is wiped clean. I lift him up slightly to readjust his clean diaper before I fasten it to him and in that split second, he decides to surprise me with a poop explosion that has the force to launch the space shuttle! I'm not kidding, his poop sprayed six feet. It landed on everything in its path - me, changing table, bouncy seat, carpeting.

It took me a half hour to clean it all up and I called Dan at work to tell him. Self-proclaimed diaper extraordinaire's response is that I lifted him up too high and need to be careful next time. Fine, maybe he is right. Well.... Dan changed him at 2:30 this morning before I nursed him and tells me when he brings him to me that he needs to go back and clean up the wall in the nursery. Apparently Jacob is an equal-opportunity poop exploder and unleashed on Dan. It got all over the wall, blinds, carpeting, and Dan. Bless Dan's heart, he cleaned it all up and then was so awake that he couldn't get back to sleep and went into work at 4:00 a.m. I didn't get much more sleep either, but at least I don't have to work all day :(

Is this normal for a baby to do this? Maybe we just don't have it down yet on knowing when he is pooping and need to be more patient before changing him. I'm wondering if this is a normal thing for a baby to do. If anyone has advice for us, please let us know!! I almost want to call the nurse to see if there is something wrong with him.

We love him to death, but we didn't think that we signed up for this when we decided to have a baby!! Maybe we need to start changing him in the bath tub :)
