Monday, December 17, 2007

Movin' On Out

Hi everyone --

Well, as the title of this post mentions, Jacob has been moved out of our bedroom and into his nursery. No, he isn't sleeping in his crib yet, but we have put his bouncy seat on the floor of his nursery so that he can get used to the sounds in there and hopefully transition him to his crib soon. He still takes short naps in his crib during the day, but night is a different story. Right now he sleeps about three hours at a time, four if we're lucky.

Nothing else is really new with him except that he is growing like a weed! We weighed him the other night and he came in at whopping 10 pounds!! He has outgrown his first outfit which is just crazy to us. It's amazing how quickly they grow :)

I must have jinxed Rascal in our Christmas card letter because he suffered another setback over the weekend. He herniated his last spinal disk next to his tail and is in a good deal of pain right now. Thankfully, his nerves that affect his rear legs are not affected so paralysis is not an issue. However, his back legs must be sore because getting up from a lying position seems to really hurt him and he won't let anyone touch him in that area of his body. It is so devastating to watch him go through this but we are optimistic that he will recover quickly. Dan added up his vet bills for the last couple of years and the figure is pretty high when you total it all together. I know that some people think that we are crazy for putting so much money into him, but I can't imagine putting a dog to sleep when he has the ability to recover and not be in pain for a long period of time. The first couple of days are always the worst and then he feels back to normal and doesn't understand why he is stuck in his crate. At some point, you would think that he would run out of disks to herniate! Here is a picture of Rascal for those of you who have never seen him.

We had a beautiful snowstorm over the weekend and got several inches of snow - my guess is about eight inches. It is really pretty outside right now and we were wishing that Jacob was older so we could take him outside and play in it. That will be a reality next year, so we just need to be patient :)

I ran for the first time on the treadmill yesterday and although I am really sore today, it felt pretty good! I only ran one mile to start out but I was impressed that I could go that far since I haven't worked out since last March. Hopefully my body will continue to allow me to run so I can squeeze into my jeans again soon! I'm horrible at dieting and have yet to give up the sweets, so exercise is my only hope at this point.

Not sure if I will post again before Christmas, so I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas and safe travels!!!



bud c said...

Wow - Jacob has grown so much in just 4 weeks ! Got your Christmas card - it is awesome ! Hugs to everyone - yes, Rascal too ! Keep the pictures coming on the "Engel Family Happenings" !

bud c