Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bailey at 20 Months

Well, I started this blog two months ago and never finished it. Bailey is really changing fast and cracks us up all the time. Here are a few things about Bailey at this age:

*She's becoming independent and wants to do things herself or her way now.

*She is a feisty little thing and can express pretty strongly what she wants.

*Her vocabulary grows each day and she has been phrasing for a couple of months now.

*She can now sing along to parts of songs.

*She still loves to dance to any music. The video below is a fun one of her dancing to some of the singing toys the kids have.

*She's growing like a weed and is outgrowing her clothes all of a sudden. At her 18 month check-up, she had the following stats ---- Height - 33 1/2 inches (73 percentile) and weight - 22 lbs 16 oz (16 percent)

*She now has 10 teeth, but is still missing her outer four bottom teeth for some reason. I'm worried she will never get these!!

*Her eating is pretty awful at times. Still no vegetables and could live on bananas, bread, potatoes, and yogurt. She's a carb-girl!!

*She has been expressing interest in potty training and actually goes about 50 percent of the time when we put her on it.

*She is starting to exhibit the desire for routines just like her brother. She has to read the same five books before bedtime AND in a particular order.

*She's discovering her surroundings and loves to point things out now as we drive, like buses, Christmas lights, and dogs. All in all, she is a lot of fun to be around and she still loves to snuggle, which is a bonus for me!!