Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Jacob at 3 Years

It's hard to believe that Jacob turned three a few weeks ago. He is growing up really fast. He is such a great boy, fiercely independent, but a fun personality.

Here are some tidbits about Jacob:

*He is ALL boy! He is very active and will jump off anything that has height. We caught him jumping off the stairs, four or five steps up the other day!

*He is a big fan of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Dora. These shows are literally his bribe to do anything we need him to do. We've had to limit him to two episodes at once because he would probably sit in front of the TV all day.

*He is also a big fan of games. He currently has Candyland and Memory and could play them all day if we let him!

*He talks like an adult at times and says the craziest stuff sometimes!

*He is very strong headed and independent and we are working hard at not letting him run all over us sometimes. We've stepped up our attention to things and are working on being more consistent with things and holding him to threats if we reach "3". We are also learning to pick our battles.

*He is starting to pretend and practice his imagination. He has an imaginary house and airplane that he talks about. He also sees Swiper (from Dora) all over the place. I think it's great that he is going through this stage because it's important to his development.

*Potty training has not progressed passed it's point months ago. He refused to poop in the potty and never tells us when he needs to pee. We've tried underwear and he doesn't care when he poops in them, so back to pull-ups we went. The laundry isn't worth it to me! I keep waiting for that moment people say he will have when he gets it. I'm really not stressing too much about it, but as he gets older, it gets harder to wait on.

*He has been starting to skip his weekend naps, which is frustrating at times, but a reminder that he is growing up. It does make it easier to plan things for the afternoons though.