Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Preparations

As I write this, I am breathing a HUGE sigh of relief. My Christmas stress is done and it is five days before Christmas. Woohoo!! As I mentioned in a previous blog, we already celebrated Christmas with Dan's family over Thanksgiving and my family celebrated yesterday at our house. We are looking forward to a very quiet Christmas Day with just the four of us. Nowhere to go, nothing to do except spend time with our little family. I can't wait to just sit on the floor and play with the kids and their new toys and books all day!! Dan's mom and step dad are stopping by the next day to hang out with us and visit, so it will be a nice weekend.

This week is the first week in about three months that I do not have to squeeze in projects after the kids go to bed and I'm looking forward to hanging out with Dan again!!

Below are some pictures taken in November of the kids visiting Santa and helping to decorate our tree.

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!!!