Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November's Highs and Lows

Phew!! I'm glad today's the end of November. It was a whirlwind of a month that was very busy with lots of ups and downs. I love my life, I really do, but sometimes normalcy is a good thing. I'm hoping that December goes as planned and is fairly easy-riding, despite Christmas festivities (which I have a head start on and believe to be in control of!). Look for future blogs on several of the events below :)


*Seeing a lot of my mom's side of the family for the first time in years, although the circumstances were less than ideal (see below).

*Throwing my Dad (along with Sharla and Debbie) a surprise 60th birthday party.

*Dan and I celebrated our 10th anniversary.

*Celebrated Jacob's 3rd birthday with our own family party on his birthday and another family party with my Dad's side of the family a few days later. We also celebrated briefly on Thanksgiving with Dan's family.

*Celebrated my grandparent's 65th anniversary with lots of family and their friends. We surprised them with two separate gifts. The first was a quilt made by their five great-grandchildren. Each decorated two squares and my cousin, Shannon sewed it all together. The other was a scrapbook from their 10 grandchildren. Each grandchild put together a couple of pages and then Sharla and I assembled it. Both gifts turned out perfect!

*Celebrating Thanksgiving twice, once with my family and the other with most of Dan's family, including all of his siblings and their families. It was a great time and it was fun to watch all eight grandchildren play together.

*Jumped into the Christmas seeason with getting all of the Christmas decorations up, most of the presents bought, Christmas celebration with Dan's family on Thanksgiving, Christmas cards ordered, and a visit to our local Festival of Trees.

*Got the house cleaned and in order after being gone so much, which makes me feel like a new person. When things aren't clean and are disorganized, my mind goes into a frenzy!!

Now onto the lows:

*My grandma (mom's mom) died at the end of October and her funeral was the first. This brought up a lot of suppressed emotions of losing my mom eight years ago.

*We had to put Rascal down on the 20th. Sad, sad day. He began having back pain at the beginning of November and he ended up rupturing at least one disc in his back. He was in and out of the vet's animal clinic for two weeks. Unlike his other back episodes, he would take one step forward and then two steps back. The vet discovered that he was also suffering from liver disease, which was causing his abdomen to bloat and cause additional pain. On the 19th, he seemed to be improving and actually took a stroll around the yard. A few hours later, his back legs became about 90 percent paralyzed and he lost the ability to go to the bathroom. We knew this was his time and decided to end his suffering. It was a rough day, which was the same day we celebrated Jacob's birthday and my grandparent's 65th.

*Illnesses - Bailey and I got the stomach flu at the beginning of November, all four of us got bad colds the second week of November, Bailey's cold turned into a sinus infection and she was home with a fever for three days, and Bailey developed an allergic reaction Thanksgiving weekend and broke out into hives (likely from her diapers).

Here's to December being an easier month!!