Sunday, May 17, 2009


Having two children is definitely more challenging than just one. We discovered this the minute Bailey came home from the hospital. It's all about man-on-man defense, but when you're a man down, it's not so easy! Jacob needs constant monitoring because he gets into anything and everything and is very ornery! "No" is a constant word used in our house, by both Dan and I AND Jacob. He is a blast to play with, but can also be so frustrating to deal with at times. On the otherhand, Bailey really likes to be held, especially at night which poses a problem with Jacob around.

In the early weeks of Bailey being home, I went out and purchased a sling to hold Bailey in. This has been worth every penny!! I'm able to "hold" her and keep her content all the while having my two hands back to handle Jacob and get things done around the house. I've used the sling a lot and highly, highly recoomend it to any mom. I've even used it out in public while going to garage sales so I don't have to haul a stroller and can look with two hands and have taken Jacob outside to play. I quickly learned that I couldn't pick him up and put him in the swing while holding Bailey. It also keeps her warm and out of the wind and sun. Dan has used it too when he's got the two kids by himself. It's also allowed me to eat meals in peace when she needs to be held. The sling has made my life SOOOO much easier that I just had to give my unsolicited sales pitch on it!!