Saturday, March 21, 2009

Reading and Wagon Rides

Jacob has two favorite activities right now - reading books and riding in his wagon. Now that the weather is getting nicer, he is spending more and more time playing outside. He loves to swing, go down his slide, and cruise around the yard. However, his favorite outdoor activity is going for walks in his wagon with his daddy. I'm sad I can't take him right now, but look forward to it here in a few weeks! He loves these rides SOOOO much that when he returns to the house, he throws an outright temper tantrum because he doesn't want the fun to end!!

His other favorite thing to do right now is read books. He loves to bring us books and then fall into our laps so he can be read too. This works for me because I can't do much else with him at the moment. He has a few favorites that he brings us over and over to read, which gets old, but I hope that his love for books continues on as he gets older. He has two bedtime books that I think Dan and I have memorized - 'Goodnight Moon' and 'The Going to Bed Book.' I don't know what it is about these two books, but he is so attentive to them and goes to bed easily after reading these. Whatever works!!

Reading his favorite book of the moment, 'I'll Teach My Dog a Lot of Words'

Reading with Grandpa

Getting ready to knock over the book tower Grandpa made

Chillin' in the wagon