Thursday, March 12, 2009


We have begun receiving a collection of things for our new baby girl. We have gotten clothes from some family and also from a shopping trip or two of our own. Getting girl clothes is a whole new level of excitement from boy clothes. I love that the nursery closet is turning pink!! I even went ahead and bought her a pink, frilly dress for my dad's wedding that is shortly after she is born. We've also gotten a collection of new baby items for her like bibs, blankets, socks, and shoes.

I went through Jacob's baby clothes the other weekend and surprisingly came up with several gender-neutral sleepers and onesies for her to wear in the beginning. Of course, the newer pink outfits will get priority, but it's also nice to have these as a back-up for those days when multiple outfit changes are necessary! It't funny how soon you forget about those early days of messes. About a few weeks ago when I was picking Jacob up from daycare (when he was still in the infant room), one of the girls was feeding a younger baby a bottle and in the middle of the feeding the baby made that gurgling noise (and not from the mouth!). I completely forgot about those days!