Sunday, November 23, 2008

What's New with Jacob

Jacob had his one-year check-up last Tuesday and all is well. He is still tall for his age (31 inches - 83rd percentile) and just below average in weight (22 lbs 6 oz - 46th percentile). They always measure his head, but never tell me what percentile he is in, but finally told me it was in 86th percentile. So he has a big noggin!

Although Jacob has been walking for almost three months now, he is still clumsy at times. I have gotten used to checking the front office at daycare each night to see if there is an accident report waiting for me (usually about once a week). The other day he tripped over his friend he was chasing and hit his forehead on the door, which left a very swollen and nasty bruise on his right side. That night at home (stupidly) we were playing chase with each other and as I got close to him he turned around and hit a wall corner on his left forehead and literally bounced off so hard he fell straight back. That left a line bruise all the way down to his cheek. I think that his problem is that he wants to go faster than his feet are coordinated to do so. He is a tough kid and usually bounces right back after a hard hit! He is venturing into climbing now too, so I'm sure he is just asking for more trouble :)

Jacob is a dancing machine. He loves, loves music and always gets his groove on whenever he hears music. He got several musical toys for his birthday and has a good time with his dance tower and his fridge dj. He loves to add new moves to his dances and has lately started head banging which usually results in falling down from all the momentum he creates! I'll have to post a video sometime.

He is really picking up talking and has started to repeat certain words or sounds that we make. It usually is nothing like what we said to him, but he is trying. He loves to pretend talk on his telephone and say "hewwo" when putting it up to his ear. I think that he is also trying to say "book" when he has a book in his hand. Speaking of books, they are all of sudden fascinating to him, so we need to really make a point to read more to him. He also recently started pointing to pictures of objects in books that teach words trying to get us to tell him what they are. He also likes to tell us what he thinks they are, which is cute.

He is FINALLY getting more teeth! He is getting the top front four and the two other bottom ones on the front to accompany his other two teeth. I can't believe he is getting six at once, but so far he is doing well with it.

We are in the process of transitioning him to whole milk. It is quite a switch to go from warm formula to cold milk. I am still warming his milk and will gradually start cooling it down until he is used to it. Hopefully he takes to it because I don't want to warm it forever!

We got the okay to switch his car seats to forward-facing, which will be exciting for him. I think that he hit the height/weight limit awhile ago, but we were just waiting until he was one before making the switch. It will be a whole new world for him!!

One last tidbit, Jacob now likes his privacy when pooping. We now know when he goes because he leaves the room and hides under something or squats in a corner to go. It is strange to me, but Dan joked that if he is this aware of needing to go, then maybe we should start sticking him on the potty. I think that we're a ways from that!!

Well that was a long post, but it's been awhile since I shared what he is up to and he is changing so much!