Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I'm fairly late getting this post up, but here are some pictures of Jacob on Halloween. We found a dinosaur costume and couldn't pass it up after trying Jacob in it at the store. He looked so cute in it, we couldn't say no! The day started out with a parade at his daycare. I was hoping that they would let Jacob walk in the parade, but instead one of the teachers pushed a group of the older ones in a six-person buggy. It was hysterical! Poor Jacob - his hood was falling in his eyes, so he couldn't see and looked so helpless. All of the babies were absolutely adorable.

We opted to not take Jacob trick-or-treating, but instead put him in his costume and let him walk around our front yard and took him to see our neighbors. Dan took him for a walk down the sidewalk and Jacob didn't want to stop, so they walked all the way to the end of the road and came back. I think that he takes advantage of freedom when he can! I don't think that we could have asked for more perfect weather on Halloween. It was sunny and warm enough not to need a jacket.

Here are other snapshots of Jacob the Dinosaur :)

Side view

Hood in his face during parade

With mom

With dad