Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Busy Weekend

We usually have fairly uneventful weekends, but it seems like every weekend in November is jam-packed with things going on. On Saturday we had Jacob's one-year pictures taken. The pictures turned out fairly well, given the fact that Jacob barely smiled for the camera. He seemed completely shell-shocked at the flash going off in his face and strange people trying to get him to smile. We had a long wait afterwards to get to a computer station to pick out pictures and Dan was great in keeping him entertained. It took awhile to pick out the poses that we wanted and when it was time to submit our order, the person running our order somehow locked up the computer so we had to start from scratch again. UGH!! At this point, Jacob was losing it, so Dan took him home for a nap and my sister came by on her way into town to drive me home.

Now to the fun part, Sharla decided to surprise us by coming down to babysit Jacob for the night so Dan and I could go out for our anniversary. How nice is that?!! We haven't been out on a date since the week before Jacob was born, exactly one year ago. We went to see a movie and then out to dinner. It was so nice to have a night out like we used to have! Sharla did awesome with Jacob and he was so wound up when we got home at 8:00. Mind you, he is usually crashing by 7:00 or 7:30. It was a great surprise by Sharla!

Sunday was busy with church and then Dan's mom came by for the afternoon to visit. She hadn't seen Jacob in awhile and the two of them had a good time playing. She doesn't get one-on-one time with him because usually when she sees him there are other grandchildren running around and she is usually cooking for everyone. That night our small group from church met, which is a lot of fun. Our church picks books to study a few times a year and then breaks into small groups to discuss. We got off-track a bit at times, but had a lot of fun talking with adults without children around.

All-in-all it was a busy, but great weekend. Here are a few picturs of Jacob playing in our pile of leaves in the backyard. If you look at his face, you can see how cold he is and his coat is so big he can't move in it. He was literally outside for about two minutes, just long enough for me to get some pictures before the leaves disappeared.