Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"Pink" with Excitement!!

This is for all of you faithful blog readers.... We had our 20-week ultrasound today and found out we're having a GIRL!! This has been my feeling the whole time, but it is nice to have confirmation. Everything is looking great and she is measuring just a few days ahead. She was pretty active during the exam and was waving her arms, which we got a great picture of. She must have worn herself out because at the end she kept yawning, which we also got a picture of. If I can get my scanner to cooperate at home, I'll post some pictures later on.

As a precautionary measure, I am going to get progesterone shots once a week until the ninth month to help prevent preterm labor, which is what put me on bed rest last pregnancy. This is a huge relief to me as my main worry is being on bed rest with a toddler this time. Dan gets to give them to me at home and got a lesson from the nurse today.

It's hard to believe I'm at the half-way point already!!


Scott and Kristen said...

Hip, hip, hooray! Is Jacob ready to be a big brother to a little sister? He's had quite an eventful week!
