Friday, July 25, 2008

Jacob the Klepto

That's right, we have been informed by Jacob's daycare teachers that he likes to steal other kids' pacifiers out of their mouths. Yuck!! We know that he has an addiction problem with his own pacifier, but now he feels the need to take everyone else's for his own liking too! No wonder he is always getting new colds :( He has learned where we keep his pacifier when he's not using it at home and crawls over to the table, pulls himself up, and grabs it. We need to find higher ground for it.

We have been trying to only use it when we need reinforcements to help get him to calm down or sleep. I learned at the dentist's office this week that it's better not to let them have a pacifier past 12-15 months of age to sleep with because it can increase the potential for dental problems later on. He usually only sucks on it to get to sleep and then we pull it out, so maybe this is a nonissue. I know that some kids keep theirs until they are two or three, but I would love to wean him from it much sooner than that.