Thursday, July 10, 2008


Our little man started crawling last Tuesday and has since become better and better at it. He started crawling only two days after first sitting up on his own from a lying-down position. Out of curiousity, I checked my baby book and I too started crawling at this age.... and just two days after first sitting up on my own too. I first started taking steps around 10 months and was walking well by 11 months, so at least we have a couple of months before we completely lose control! Jacob is now getting into everything in sight. We are babyproofing as we go along. Things I never thought he would find interest in, he does. He is like a magnet to any type of cord, which is frightening. He is also pulling himself up onto things that he can get a good grip on.

Funny story - when Jacob goes into a sitting position from lying down, he backs into it with his rump in the air. Diaper changes are very challenging these days and at times he decides to go into a sitting position before the diaper gets put on, so all I see is his bare butt go up in the air and then stare me in the face before taking a seat. Every time this happens all I see is the scene from 'Old School' when Will Ferrell gets into the backseat of his wife's SUV after picking him up from streaking down the street!! All you fans out there know what I'm talking about :)

Here is a video of Jacob crawling. (Pardon my annoying talking while filming!!)