Tuesday, July 22, 2008

8 Months

Jacob turned eight months old last week, how is that possible?!?! My dad commented that he is starting to look like a boy now instead of a baby. That's not something that I wanted to hear. My friend, Kristen, had her baby a couple of weeks ago and after seeing pictures of her daughter I can see how much Jacob really has changed since the newborn stage. Here is what is new with Jacob....

*He crawls everywhere and is starting to follow us around

*He is pulling himself up into a standing position

*He can feed himself finger foods, interestingly much better with his left hand

*He sprouted his second bottom tooth

*He loves to wake up around 5:30 am which leaves mommy and daddy really tired these days

*He is learning how to play better with his toys and how to manipulate them to do what they are intended to do, although he is also perfectly happy playing with a shoe or anything else that he shouldn't be getting into

Pictures from the last couple of weeks....

Eight-month snapshot

Playing with his new musical table

Getting ready to take Rascal for a walk

Hanging with Dad

Spending time with great-grandparents


Scott and Kristen said...

I love the picture of Jacob and Rascal! You could enter it in a photo contest! Sooo cute!
