Friday, April 11, 2008

Slept through the night!!

Wow! Jacob slept through the night.... in his crib. Dan and I asked each other this morning if the other had gone in to soothe him at all during the night and neither of us had. I can't tell you how good it feels to have a full night's rest. My first thought this morning was that something must be wrong with him because he slept a lot even before putting him to bed last night and I had to wake him up this morning. He has been sleeping more the last couple of days, so either he is just extra tired or maybe in a growth spurt. Whatever the reason, I'll take it!!

I did a really stupid thing Monday morning and can laugh about it now. I was sucking the drainage out of Jacob's nose and accidentally squeezed the aspirator into my face. I felt wetness go into my right eye and knew that it wouldn't end well. Sure enough, I developed pink eye Monday night and it spread to my left eye Tuesday night. I have been looking like the devil all week, but they seem to be getting better. Since I knew what I had due to Jacob's eye infections, I just used his eye drops instead of going to the doctor. The nurse told us when he got his first infection to use the drops on ourselves if we got it, so I don't feel that I am doing anything wrong. Just another perk of having a baby. I have never had as much illness in my life as I have in the last few months while Jacob has been in daycare. Hopefully my immune system will get stronger here shortly!

Hope everyone has a nice weekend :) We are supposed to get rain and snow showers all weekend. Crazy. It was in the 60's last weekend! Summer is just around the corner and I can't wait!!!


Unknown said...

Jacob, I am so glad that I can talk to someone who will understand what I'm saying! I can't wait to come play with you sometime.
