Saturday, January 12, 2008

Changes are Coming

Hi everyone --

It's hard to believe that Jacob is eight weeks old today! He has really changed since we brought him home from the hospital and is still growing steadily. He has his two-month check-up with his pediatrician on Thursday and I am anxious to see where he falls on the growth charts. I've been warned about the shots and how hard it will be to watch him get them :(

Jacob is still doing well and has been watching things more intently lately. His favorite activity these days is sitting on the couch with me during the day and looking outside (see attached picture). He surprised me the other day when I held him up so he could stand and he supported his own weight and stood on his own for a few seconds while leaning against me. He may have fat legs, but there are some developing muscles in there!

I spent the week redoing all of the pictures in the house and updating our photo albums (it's been two years!). It was fun to go through all of the pictures and change how the house is decorated a little bit. I've also been working on cleaning the house so I don't have to worry about it once I go back to work. It's amazing how long it takes to get thing done these days!

I return to work part-time on Tuesday and will work afternoons this week and mornings the next week before working full-time in two weeks. I'm nervous about starting Jacob in daycare but I'm sure he will do better than me in adjusting to it. One thing that I am looking forward to is getting a routine established with him and getting back to work. I have felt like a shut-in since September and I think that returning to work will give me something to focus on other than baby things. I can't hold a conversation these days without talking about baby this or baby that!

We had some great unseasonable weather last weekend and it was in the mid-60's, which was so nice! I got out for a run and actually made my whole four-mile loop that I used to do before I was pregnant. I didn't run as fast, but I was surprised that I was able to make it. Before then I had only been running two miles on our treadmill. Any chance I have to run outside I take advantage of it so I ran again today since Dan could watch Jacob. It was much colder than last weekend, but there is just something about exercising outside that is liberating to me. Jacob is going to see a lot miles in his jogging stroller as soon as the weather gets warmer here in a couple of months!

I have attached a few pictures of his nursery since I promised doing this months ago. I still want to add a toy storage area to the nursery but that can wait a little while longer until he has more toys and is actually playing with them!

I'll post again in a week or so and talk about his doctor's appointment and how he did in daycare. Hope that everyone has a good week!!



Scott and Kristen said...

Jacob's nursery is perfect! I think he is a doll!