Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wall Art

The kids come home with a lot of art they do while at school and it's a dilemna on what to do with it all. Some goes on the fridge, holiday-themed art gets packed in boxes with our other decorations, but there is a lot that I cannot throw way, yet don't want to store. I found a solution on my friend's blog (thanks Leigh!) on a creative way to display art projects. She hung a string or rope along the wall and then used clothing pins to hang the projects. Genius! I created one for each of the kids and put it on one of their walls. I love walking in there and seeing a personal touch that they created and I think they have a sense of pride as well. It's also a great way to help decorate their rooms!! I rotate the art in and out to keep it updated and also to correspond to whatever season or holiday is near.