Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It's the Simple Things

I'm a simple girl. I don't need fancy things. I don't need to be the best at things. I am easily entertained. I love my simple life and here are few thing that make me happy.

Evening walks with the family, including Rascal

Playing with the kids outside

Watching lightening with Jacob at bed time or just laying on the bed with him talking to him right before he goes to sleep

Saturday mornings - we get a few minutes of extra sleep and I like to make breakfast and then spend time with the kids. They are rested, fed, and just a lot of fun to play with. These opoortunities are rare during the week since we work, so they are all the more precious when get these times with the kids.

Bailey learning to talk

Jacob figuring out the world and watching him grow into a young boy

DVR - seriously what did we do before the DVR?!?!

Uninterrupted conversations with Dan

That moment when both kids are both asleep and Dan and I can hang out

Sitting outside early in the morning when everything is still quiet - haven't been able to do this in awhile since the kids don't sleep in!

A good run

Reading a good book for more than two minutes at a time

A successful dinner that everyone likes and eats

Kids laughing and playing well together

Jacob acting like a big brother (the other day he held her hand and helped her down the steps)

Spending time with family

Opportunities to spend time with my friends and sister



Having the house clean and organized