Thursday, September 9, 2010

Getting it Together

I have never been one to make New Year's resolutions, let alone keep any if I did make them. That changed this year. I literally woke up on New Year's Day and decided I wasn't happy about certain aspects in my life and I vowed to make some changes. I won't go into some of them (you'll just have to just trust me that those changes were made!), but I thought I would share a couple.

One of my resolutions was to change how our dinner meal was being executed. For many years, Dan and I ate dinner around 8:00 at night. While that suited our lifestyle before kids, that didn't fly anymore. I have worked hard at getting dinner ready between 6:00 - 6:30 each night. I also wanted to eat as a family, which is really important to me. For Jacob's first year, I fed him his dinner and then Dan and I ate once he was in bed. When Bailey was born, that changed everything! Another piece of this mix was actually making a dinner as many nights as possible instead of frozen meals. I cleaned out my recipe box, added new ones that I found online ( is amazing!), and talked to friends and family about meal ideas and tricks on getting dinner ready in a timely manner. I'm still experimenting with new recipes (much against Dan's preference) and have found ones that have turned into new favorites. I recently started making out a menu for the week, which is coordinated with what the kids eat for lunch. I love, love, love having everything planned out and knowing ahead of time what we're eating and the prep time involved. I can't tell you how many times I stood in the kitchen just staring at the pantry trying to figure out what to make and then settling on something less healthy that was quick because everyone was hungry. I in no way, shape, or form can call myself a good cook, but I'm learning and trying. I don't remember helping my mom in the kitchen much growing up, which is a mistake I won't let either of my kids make!

I also vowed to get my house in order. After having two kids back-to-back, I definitely let my house go. I have forced myself to clean on a schedule so it wouldn't get behind again and it has worked! I also created a long list of spring cleaning projects that needed to be tackled back in late spring and am proud to say that I am finally through the list! It's so nice to finally feel comfortable in my own home again. I could still come up with a number of projects to work on, but for now, I'm done.

In the spring, we decided to upgrade our washer and dryer to the energy efficient models. At first I wasn't a fan and didn't think it was worth the money. After using them for a few weeks I could see how many less loads I was doing a week. It probably comes to about three less loads a weeks, which makes such a difference!

I feel like we have finally emerged from the fog of the last year after Bailey was born. Adding one little body into the household is no small feat!! I love that the kids are on the same routine and are becoming more independent. I have started venturing out for some "me time" more (although not enough) and getting just a couple hours to myself is a great way to refuel. I'm also working out again and hope to rediscover my muscles that have morphed into jelly the past few years!!

Well, that's all for now. Oh, and I in no way feel like the changes I have made are in anyway "groundbreaking", but for me it is a step up in the right direction!!