Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Inspirational Sight

I shared this on Facebook today, but I wanted to blog about it and share more of my thoughts.

As I was driving to work this morning, I was stopped at an intersection as a crossing guard escorted a mother and her two children across the street. This was no ordinary sight. The mother was pulling a wagon with two children in one hand, one obviously onto her way to school, and in the other hand was a harness of her guide dog. WOW!! This woman is blind, with two small children, and walking them to school.

I still cannot get her out of my mind. Here I struggle with my two kids and keeping up with them and everday life and she is doing the same, yet cannot see. What an amazing woman she has to be. While I don't know anything about her, just imagine the perserverance and determination she has to go through each day.

While I admire her, I also feel sorry for her and have a sense of sadness for her. I cannot imagine never being able to see my children's faces. I tear up just thinking about it.

This was a sight that I will never forget. It was a real lesson for me on how blessed and fortunate I am. It makes any struggles I have seem so insignificant.

What an inspiration!

The next blog entry is one I wrote a couple of weeks ago but have been saving. I feel like it really ties into this blog entry.