Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Updates on the Kids

I figured that it is time that I posted updates on Jacob and Bailey.


My little girl is growing up and I'm not sure that I like it! She is really transitioning from baby to toddler. She is such a sweetheart, yet so ornery. I feel like she is more work now than when she was when she was a little younger. She plays well, but the monkey in her climbs on everything. She is learning how to go down the stairs and it's hilarious. She literally slides down all in one shot. It's so fast it's nearly impossible to go down with her to make sure she doesn't fall. She seriously has no fear! Here are some quick updates on her:

*She's finally talking and has about 10 words she says on a regular basis (mommy, daddy, milk, doggy, hi, bye bye, baby, ball, rabbit, yeah, snack, mine, uh oh) and also likes to mimic what we're saying.

*She is getting her other top three teeth ALL at once. The poor girl has her moments but she's doing better than I would. Supposedly if adults were cutting teeth, we would need morphine!

*She has started to throwing temper tantrums, and I mean the throw yourself on the floor, kicking and screaming kind!

*She's had a couple of bouts with the stomach flu in the past six weeks.

*She likes to dance to music.

*She is learning her body parts and can point to various ones (head, mouth, ears, belly, hands, feet).

*Her hair is growing out, more in the back, but with curls.

*She still won't eat vegetables (at least at home).

*Stats at her 15-month appt: weight 20 lbs (12th percentile), 30 1/2 inches (50th percentile). She's growing!


Wow, what to say about Jacob. It is up and down with him. The kid needs some discipline and I miss my little sweet boy! He is Mr. Independent and wants to do absolutely everything himself. We're still trying to learn that balance of allowing him to be his own person, yet exert authority over him. Time outs in his room seem to work and incentives also have an influence over his behavior. I'm amazed how smart he is and the things he says. He really understands things and how they work and likes to talk about it. We're getting the million questions right now too. Here are things about Jacob:

*His potty training has plateaued at just peeing in the potty. Pooping is a ways away I think, but I'm not stressing about it.

*He is really into watching Dora the Explorer right now. That's right. We're okay with it. It's really a great show and he LOVES it. Dora is his incentive to behave right now, so it works for us too!

*He says funny things all the time. One common thing is: Us "Jacob, do you know what we're having for dinner?" Jacob "Yeah" Us "What?" Jacob "I don't know" This happens with many types of questions.

*He loves to share stories with others about his life. For some reason he tells it backwards. For example, "soooooo I got a boo boo, brick, I fell down". I often have to translate what he is saying. It's funny because he talks fine with us, but I think he gets excited when talking to others.

*He has (is) going through a biting stage. I blame the kids in daycare that seem to have it out for him. He has bitten a couple of kids there and has also bitten Bailey a few times. You think a kid who has been bitten so much at daycare would know not to do that, but he is two.

Well that's all I have for now!!