Friday, August 27, 2010

I Wonder Where He Gets It?

Jacob has some OCD in him. It's really no surprise because I make no secrets that I have my OCD issues. Jacob loves to line things up. Lately, it's his bigger toys that are kept downstairs. He turns them into a perfectly lined train. If one gets moved, he freaks out! He also likes to line up the letter magnets from the fridge onto the dishwasher. He also lines things up in his room when he is supposed to be sleeping. He makes lines out of his lego blocks and books. He went through a phase where he would take all of his sheets off his bed and then line his books, one-by-one, in a perfect square on top of his mattress. I seriously wish I got a picture of this. His OCD goes beyond making lines of things. He has to have his food in just the right spot on his plate and if you want to cut up his food, you better ask first because if it's cut the wrong way, he won't eat it! I could go on and on!

Bailey has shown her first OCD issue. When you feed her, she likes you on her right and sitting down. This was where I would always feed her when she was eating baby food, so maybe that's it. We'll soon see if this is the extent of it for her or if she'll take after her brother (and mother).