Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Jacob is quite the talker these days. He literally starts talking the minute he wakes up and honestly talks/sings himself to sleep every night. He is speaking very well, but will say the funniest things sometimes or get something mixed up. Below is a collection of things that he says quite a bit that make me laugh.

What you got?

I want popcorn (corn on the cob)

Silly Bus (city bus)

I'm too little (when he doesn't want to do something.... this is our excuse to him sometimes when we don't want him to touch or do something and now he's using the excuse for himself)

You make water? (asking me to fill the tub up with water during bathtime)

Look at Bailey (in a sing-song voice when he is tattling on Bailey)

We'll see or Sometime (his response to me when he asks me something and I teeter on the answer.... he's heard me say these too many times apparently!)

Five! (this is ALWAYS his response when we ask how many of something he wants)

Ewwww, that's nasty! (when he watches me change Bailey's poopy diaper)

Yup (this is one of those things I realized that I say a lot, but had no idea!)

You okay? (with a very concerned look in his eyes.... whenever he sees one of us with a cut, scratch, or bruise

I'm sorry (after I was at my breaking point one day and told him I was tired)

And lastly, a translation of Bailey's babbling on the way to daycare this morning.... I asked Jacob what Bailey was saying and he said "booty".