Sunday, November 22, 2009

Yellow Party

We had a "yellow" party for Jacob's 2nd birthday. He absolutely loves all-things yellow, so it was an easy pick. The decorations were pretty simple and we had the cake decorated with a school bus, in honor of his other favorite thing. We invited family over and most wore yellow which was fun! We served lunch, which went well I think and then opened presents and had cake. All-in-all it was a great time!

Jacob got a lot of great presents. He got loads of puzzles, books, clothes, and much-needed new toys. He got a golf set, bathtime basketball hoop, vacuum cleaner (which actually cleans!), alphabet fridge toy, racetrack, and Mr. Potato Head.

Bailey did steal some of Jacob's thunder during the party, though, with a monumental first. She started crawling for the first time during the party and it was really special to have family there to witness it. I'll share more during her eight-month post here in a couple of weeks!

Here are pictures taken during the party. Thanks to Sharla for taking pictures for me, which is why she isn't in many.

Jacob's 2nd Birthday Party