Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween 2009

The kids had a great Halloween this year. It was fun that Jacob had more of an understanding of certain aspects of Halloween than he did last year. He liked wearing his costume and getting candy! Jacob went as Tigger and Bailey was a ladybug. Daycare had a parade on Friday, which was inside due to the rain and then each room had a party afterwards. The infant room really doesn't do anything significant, so I spent time in Jacob's room. It was great to watch him interact in that environment, which I don't get to see. There were a few of his guy friends gone that day, but there were about eight kids total.

We took Jacob trick-or-treating for the first time and he loved getting candy. We taught him to say "trick-or-treat" and he actually said it! It was chilly that night, so I bundled Bailey in her stroller so I wouldn't miss the experience. We made it around the block before I took Bailey back home and then Dan and Jacob hit a few more houses. Afterwards, Jacob also had fun when kids came to our door. He stood and watched and let us know when kids were coming. Next year will be even more fun with Bailey more in the action!!

Here is a photo album of all the Halloween pictures :)

Halloween 2009