Sunday, November 8, 2009

7 Months

Bailey is really becoming a big girl, developmentally, not in size! She is still so tiny and she really has no baby fat except her thighs. This month she is on the move! She is on the verge of crawling and rocks back-and-forth and lunges in all directions. I think that she would be crawling by now if her leg strength was better. She still can't really stand very well, but that's okay. We do have to watch her because she does make her way to things, particularly Jacob's toys. Bailey is also eating much better and just began the fruits.

Bailey had a rough week a couple of weeks ago. She started a fever on a Sunday afternoon with no other symptoms. When I called the nurse on Monday, she advised me not tp bring her in unless her fever lasted more than three days so we could see if anything else developed. Well, her fever never broke and by Tuesday night it hit 104 degrees with the chills. It was heartbreaking to watch her in that state. I was up with her all night and called the 24-hour nurse line several times. I got her into the dr first thing the next morning and it turns out she had a urinary tract infection and probably kidney infection. Poor girl. She got on antibiotics and her fever broke by Thursday, but then she went on a milk-strike through Friday. She is now scheduled for some tests on the 16th at the hospital to see if she has a condition that will cause her to be prone to additional UTIs. Hopefully we'll get some answers and then onto the next steps of treatment. More later!

7-month milestones:

*Through the vegetables and onto fruits

*Nearly crawling

*Sleeping through the night without feedings, but still needs soothed a few times a night

*Takes about three naps per day

*Beginning stranger anxiety

Bailey pulling everything out of her diaper basket while I wasn't looking