Monday, June 8, 2009

Two Months

Miss Bailey is two months old. I'm sure all parents do this, but I constantly find myself comparing her to Jacob. I think I do it more to help predict what she'll do next (growth, sitting up, sleep habits, etc....) rather than to pit them against each other in a competition. It's funny how similar, yet different they are! For some reason, I keep thinking that since they have the same genetic make-up, they should be identical. It's so mind-blowing how they are their own person.

Bailey is such a joy. I can be having the toughest day and then just look at her and melt. She is very sweet and is already smiling and cooing at us. She is very reponsive to our voices and gets really excited when we talk to her. Her head is getting stronger, but I wouldn't say she holds it up on her own yet. At her two-month check-up last week the doctor asked how she does during tummy-time. I was so embarassed because I honestly haven't done that with her yet. She does lay on my chest a lot and can hold her head up okay, but I haven't put her on the floor on her stomach yet. This must be a second-time parent thing because I feel victory when I remember to feed her and change her while balancing Jacob, the house, work, and everything else!

She is still sleeping in our room, but she has graduated to the pack-n-play and is doing great. We'll probably move her to the crib sometime soon, but right now I still like her in the room with us. I've been putting her down earlier at night and she gets up at least once to eat, but she is going longer and longer.

The cold she got last week didn't amount to much, but she did end up with pink eye in both eyes and a little ear infection as a result of it. Poor thing!! We saw the doctor three times in eight days! Out of the six days of being back to work, I've only worked four. I really hope this doesn't continue and her immune system kicks in soon!

Unlike Jacob, she is smaller on the weight scale, but she is long like he was (is). She was 23 inches (70th percentile) and 10 pounds 5 ounces (35th percentile). Jacob had a huge belly at this age and all she has are a few rolls on her thighs. As far as I'm concerned she can stay small so she is easier to carry around! I was in such a hurry for Jacob to gain mobility, but she can take her sweet time. I'm not interested in chasing two kids any sooner than I have to!