Monday, June 1, 2009

Back To Work

I can't believe that it is already time to go back to work. I really enjoyed my time home with Bailey the past two months and hate to give up my time with her. It has been a very busy maternity leave. I know that I will regret this later, but I decided to take advantage of being home and tackle lots of home projects, run errands, and go to garage sales. On one hand, it feels good to have gotten so much accomplished, but now I also feel guilty that I didn't spend as much time holding Bailey and just enjoy her.

With Jacob, I was so anxious to get back to work. I think that the difference this time is that the weather has been nice enough to get out of the house with her. I was literally stuck in the house for four months last time due to two months of bed rest and then another two months after Jacob was born since it was winter time and we were instructed not to take him anywhere. I had such cabin-fever.

I started her at daycare last Thursday and Friday in the mornings to help get her acclimated. She did great. Unfortunately, she started a cold Friday night and came down with a fever Satruday night. I called to talk to a nurse because you can't give a baby Tylenol until two months of age. She told me that she needed to be seen because of having a fever at her age. Luckily, our pediatrician was one of the doctors on duty Sunday morning at our convenient care and gave me the ok to give her Tylenol. It broke her fever immediately and now she just has a head cold. I decided to keep her home today (my planned first day back at work) to make sure that her fever didn't come back and to keep an eye on her. I'm dreading sending her tomorrow. Jacob was sick non-stop his first year in daycare and I feel so guilty knowing that she'll probably repeat that. The infant room is so germy with all the kids with runny noses and drool everywhere. I wish there was a way to keep here home more during her first year, but there isn't. I have tremendous "mommy guilt"!!

I am finally starting to feel more like myself. I have had a heck of a time healing this time around. It took my incision five weeks to close up after my staph infection and then at six weeks, I got another infection which made a section open back up. It finally closed up again a few days ago. Yay!!! I still have a lot of sensitivity and soreness in the incision-area, but I think it is the scar tissue causing this. I went for my first run on Saturday and went two miles without a problem. I have a long ways to go before my body gets back to normal weight-wise. I still have a big pooch which is causing my clothes not to fit. I have no idea what I am going to wear to work! I'm just thankful that my run went well this weekend and hope that I can keep up my workouts and drop this baby weight!!!