Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!

It has been a nice Father's Day weekend. My sister came down Friday night to hang out with us until today. It is always a good time when she comes and a little bit of a breather because she helps out so much with the kids. Another set of hands makes a big difference these days!! We spent a lot of time outside yesterday playing in the water since it was finally warm enough to do this. Jacob LOVES any type of water play, so he was on cloud nine.

My family (dad and his wife, Debbie, and grandparents) came to our house for a lunch cookout, which was fun. Lots of good eatin'! We finally gave them their wedding present, which we were excited about. Sharla went in with us to get them what we called a "newlywed package". We put several gift cards for restaurants and a video store along with an engraved picture frame and bottle of wine all in a flower pot for fun.

For Father's Day, Jacob and Bailey gave Dan gifts they made at daycare. Bailey photoshopped a picture of herself onto a handkerchief with a card and Jacob gave Dan a back of trail mix and a package of popcorn with a card. It's really sweet of the teachers to do this for the parents!

Of course I took lots of pictures this weekend, so enjoy the photo album below :)

Father's Day Weekend