Monday, October 20, 2008


(Hopefully) all you mothers out there can relate to this! When I was pregnant with Jacob, I found that my once great memory wasn't so great anymore. Now, I have never been one to retain history facts from school or do well in trivia games, but I have always had pride in remembering things about life events and keeping track of our daily lives. I found myself not remembering the simple things like what we needed from the grocery store or whose family's turn it was to celebrate a holiday with. Everything that I read about pregnancy reinforced to me that losing memory was normal and it would come back. Well.... it didn't! After Jacob was born it turned into "new mommy syndrome" where I felt like not only did I have memory loss but like I was losing my mind. Seriously, there have been times when I feel like my head is going to explode! I think that it got better after the initial chaos of the first few months, but now that I'm pregnant it has gotten lots worse. I'm forgetting things to do at work, I almost missed a class for Jacob the other night, I am forgetting to send birthday wishes to family and friends, and I'm now starting to lose things in the house which I have always prided in myself of never doing.

One of my friends told me awhile ago that the more kids you have the worse your memory gets. It is a big change to go from only taking care of things for Dan, myself, and Rascal to now managing a little person completely dependent on my care. I find myself writing notes everywhere just so I can keep better track of things. I like to watch 'Jon and Kate Plus Eight' and '17 Kids and Counting' on TLC and those shows always bring me back down because if those mothers can manage all of those kids with success, then just one doesn't seem so bad!

Well, I guess the point of this post is really for me to vent and make any apologies to those of you who I may have forgotten to wish happy birthday to or forgotten to do something that I had promised!


Unknown said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I'm losing things like crazy at home, and I'm not even pregnant.