Friday, October 17, 2008

11 Months

Wow, in one month we'll be celebrating Jacob's first birthday. I still can't wrap my head around it! Over this past month, he has really started to change from a baby to a little boy. He is still such a sweet boy, but he is also developing his personality. Here are this month's highlights:

*Cruises around everywhere and loves to chase Rascal

*Can't sit still and is constantly exploring his environment

*Is learning how to get off the couch on his own

*Seems to be trying to talk to us although we have no idea what he is saying. We swear that we've heard him say "okay" at the appropriate times and "here" when he hands us things.

*Loves to test his voice - he usually has a sound of the week that is constant from him before he moves onto the next one

*Is starting to exhibit some stubborn behavior. Example - taking something away from him and him pouting and crying.

*Has been fully on real-people food for a few weeks now and eats like a champ

*Loves to bring us things on command and by his own free will (especially shoes and socks)

*Has developed a love for the tub faucet and puts his head underneath it to get a soaking along with trying to drink water from it