Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lil' Man Walking (and Screaming)

My sister calls Jacob "lil' man" and I thought that this title is appropriate for his debut video post of him walking because it is so funny to see such a little person walking! We bought Jacob shoes a week ago and he finally has the hang of it all I think. The first night he wore his shoes, he fell repeatedly and hurt himself numerous times. I was caught in the "let him work it out and learn for himself" and the "mommy protective mode" mentalities, but the latter won and the shoes came off. His poor body was a rainbow of bruises :( We later decided that he was just off-balance due to his ear infection and put the shoes to rest for a few days. I tried him in his shoes again last weekend and he did so well!! I even took him outside to walk in the yard and he did better than I expected. I know he has a ways to go, but I'm still proud of him for figuring it out so quickly.

One funny thing about him wearing shoes is that he laughs hysterically when you put them on. His feet are ticklish, but must be very sensitive!!! At least he isn't a crier :)

Jacob has also developed an interest in screaming. I'm sure this is part of normal development, but it is only cute for so long! I shot a video of it today.

Here is a video of him walking along with some snapshots of him in the yard.