Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy 6 Months and 6 Years!!!

Today is a special day in our house. Jacob turns 6 months old AND Rascal's 6-year birthday is today. Time goes by so fast.

It is hard to believe that Jacob is already 6 months old. I was holding him while he was sleeping the other night and told Dan that I wished I could freeze him at this stage. It is so much work at times, but he is so worth it. Here are some highlights of what he is doing these days....

*Stats: Weight-18 lbs 4 oz (67th percentile) Height-27" (72nd percentile)

*Sitting up

*Playing with toys and lunging forward to pick them up

*Smiling, squealing, and a few giggles


*Standing well with some support

*Eating baby food (we have conquered cereal and vegetables and are starting fruits tomorrow)

*Still just one tooth, but is a drooling machine so more teeth have to be on the way

*Is very aware of his environment and takes everything in

*Becoming more accustomed to being outside

*Is Rascal's biggest fan (although Rascal is afraid of him)

Onto Rascal....It seems like yesterday when we brought home our five-pound puppy. We knew that we were in trouble when about two blocks away from the humane society in southern illinois where we picked him up and Rascal pooped something fierce in his new car carrier. We stopped at a Walmart to get him supplies that he needed to get through his first night and to clean the mess he had just made. After grabbing a bite to eat we headed on the three-hour trip back home. I'm not kidding you, about twenty minutes later Rascal pooped AGAIN! This time we were in the middle of the country so we scooped it up with an empty fries container and threw it out the window. This is the only time we have littered, but I feel it was justifed! It has been a rocky road with Rascal the last few years with his various health issues, but he has blessed our lives in so many ways.

I don't have time to post pictures now, but check back soon!!!