Thursday, February 28, 2008

All About the Hands

Jacob has recently discovered his hands and seems to be grabbing onto everything! He had my necklace in his hand the other day and Dan saved the day by letting me know this before it got ripped off. I quickly washed all of these little toys that we have for him so he can begin to play with them. It is so much fun to watch him begin to play with toys now. He now grabs onto toys that dangle from his playmat and he even put one in his mouth the other day! Here is a picture of him in his Jumperoo for the first time.

Jacob also has graduated into his baby bath tub (we had been using the hammock that fit on top). Jacob's new thing is to poop after about a minute of sitting in the tub. Why he can't do this before bathtime is beyond me. Anyways, the hammock was becoming cumbersone in the clean-up process, so it got removed and he now gets to sit in his tub like a big boy. Dan now has to assist me because Jacob is so squirmy that he slides down and won't stay in one place. For fun, we put his swim trunks on him after his bath the other night and let him play in the water. He will outgrow these trunks before summertime, so we figured we might as well get some use out of them while they still fit :)

As an update to last week's post, Jacob is doing better at bottle-feeding. He still isn't the greatest fan of this form of eating, but he can easily be coaxed into taking his bottle with a little rocking and/or using the pacificer-switching trick. Who knows what caused him to suddenly fear the bottle, but I am SOOOO thankful that he is taking it again!!

He woke up yesterday morning with a right eye infection, so back to the doctor we went. It turns out that he has pink eye, most likely from his cold and his need to put his hands in his mouth and then in his eyes. This is the second infection he has gotten in four weeks!! The eye drops must be working because it already looked much better this morning. Most of you know how much of a germ-phobe I am and that I am a freak about washing my hands, so you can imagine how much the hands are getting washed now!! It is such a conflicting feeling to want to hold and play with Jacob, but also look at him like he is the plague :)

Dan's mom visited last Sunday and Jacob was so alert and good while she was here. He actually was awake from about 6:30 in the morning to about 5:00 that afternoon. Yikes!! Needless to say, he did not last very long in church, especially after a very loud rumble in his pants during communion that sent Dan and I into a fitful laughter during the prayer! We are so mature :) It was great to see him so alert, but by 5:00 I rocked him awhile so he could go to sleep. I guess he figured that he wanted to spend quality time with us during the weekend since he can catch up on sleep at daycare while we are at work :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
