Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Easter 2011

We had a nice Easter weekend and we spread the Easter festivities out over the two days. Sharla came the day before to spend the day with us. Since we were headed to Decatur after church on Sunday and due to predicted rain, the Easter bunny came on Saturday at our house. We planned on hiding the eggs in the yard, but Dan had just cut the grass and since it was wet, newly cut grass, shoes were getting stained green. So instead, the Easter bunny left eggs on our deck and inside the house. The Easter bunny left goldfish, marshmallows, and coins.

We had a nice Easter lunch in Decatur at my dad's house and the kids got plenty of play time outside. They have amazing flower beds and the spring flowers were in full bloom. We got some pictures of the kids that I'll share in another blog.

When we got home and after the kids woke up from their naps, they discovered their Easter baskets. One big hit were their new bubble blowers. They request these each time we're outside now!