Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bailey at 2

Here goes round 2. I completed and successfully posted this blog about three weeks ago, but the site went down soon after and most of my blog disappeared. It's hard to complain about a free service that I oh so love, though, but I have put off redoing it because it takes time!!

Bailey turned two at the beginning of April and although I already posted about her party, I didn't post some pictures on her actual birthday or run through my typical list of milestones, so here goes!!

*Talking, talking, and more talking! She was phrasing at the time she turned two, but now is putting sentences together as well as logic. For example, the other day it was raining when she woke up and logically pieced together that since it was wet outside, she wouldn't be able to outside to play.

*Everything and every person has a person attached - mine, yours, Daddy's, Mommy's, Jacob's, etc....

*She is very independent and wants to do most things herself. It's a great step, but also one that requires lots of patience. She wants to get dressed herself and if you try and help her, she'll get mad and take it off and start over.

*She knows her colors and shapes (has for months now).

*She can count to 10 and sing the ABC's.

*She goes potty before every bath and wants to go whenever someone else is going too.

*She is still on the small side, but is starting to catch up some.

*She loves puzzles and is getting great at putting the 12 and 24 piece ones together with some help.

*She is starting to pretend play.

*She still loves to cuddle and sit on our laps or have us hold her.

*She loves her brother and wants to be around him, we'll see how long that lasts!

*Still is a very picky eater and will not touch vegetables, but LOVES fruit.

*Like her brother, she is very active and rarely sits longer than two seconds.

Here are some pictures from her actual birthday.