Monday, May 30, 2011


We had a nest of baby rabbits underneath our deck this spring. Once they were a little bit bigger they started venturing out on their own and the kids loved to look for them and try and smoke them out from their hiding places. A couple are still around, but they are getting really big!

Below are pictures of when all five were out at once munching on grass.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Easter Mini-Photoshoot

We took several pictures of the kids on Easter and here are a few of them!

Easter 2011

We had a nice Easter weekend and we spread the Easter festivities out over the two days. Sharla came the day before to spend the day with us. Since we were headed to Decatur after church on Sunday and due to predicted rain, the Easter bunny came on Saturday at our house. We planned on hiding the eggs in the yard, but Dan had just cut the grass and since it was wet, newly cut grass, shoes were getting stained green. So instead, the Easter bunny left eggs on our deck and inside the house. The Easter bunny left goldfish, marshmallows, and coins.

We had a nice Easter lunch in Decatur at my dad's house and the kids got plenty of play time outside. They have amazing flower beds and the spring flowers were in full bloom. We got some pictures of the kids that I'll share in another blog.

When we got home and after the kids woke up from their naps, they discovered their Easter baskets. One big hit were their new bubble blowers. They request these each time we're outside now!

Bailey at 2

Here goes round 2. I completed and successfully posted this blog about three weeks ago, but the site went down soon after and most of my blog disappeared. It's hard to complain about a free service that I oh so love, though, but I have put off redoing it because it takes time!!

Bailey turned two at the beginning of April and although I already posted about her party, I didn't post some pictures on her actual birthday or run through my typical list of milestones, so here goes!!

*Talking, talking, and more talking! She was phrasing at the time she turned two, but now is putting sentences together as well as logic. For example, the other day it was raining when she woke up and logically pieced together that since it was wet outside, she wouldn't be able to outside to play.

*Everything and every person has a person attached - mine, yours, Daddy's, Mommy's, Jacob's, etc....

*She is very independent and wants to do most things herself. It's a great step, but also one that requires lots of patience. She wants to get dressed herself and if you try and help her, she'll get mad and take it off and start over.

*She knows her colors and shapes (has for months now).

*She can count to 10 and sing the ABC's.

*She goes potty before every bath and wants to go whenever someone else is going too.

*She is still on the small side, but is starting to catch up some.

*She loves puzzles and is getting great at putting the 12 and 24 piece ones together with some help.

*She is starting to pretend play.

*She still loves to cuddle and sit on our laps or have us hold her.

*She loves her brother and wants to be around him, we'll see how long that lasts!

*Still is a very picky eater and will not touch vegetables, but LOVES fruit.

*Like her brother, she is very active and rarely sits longer than two seconds.

Here are some pictures from her actual birthday.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Jacob's First Church "Singing" Experience

Our church had a special revival church service a few Sunday evenings ago. Jacob was asked to sing two songs with the 3-5 year olds. They practice each Sunday morning, although I don't think Jacob participates much. The leader assured me he would be fine, so we let him do it. Ummmm, wow, is all I have to say! Let's just say that he was a high-energy, little monkey on the stage! He ran around, climbed on the stairs, and did everything but participate. We didn't remove him from the situation because, honestly, it would have caused a greater scene because he would not of come down willingly! It was one of the parent moments that I ran back-and-forth in my head for days wondering how we could have handled it differently.

I captured it all in a few pictures and two videos below. I realized after watching the videos later that they didn't fully capture running back and forth. A couple of the pictures illustrate this beautifully, though! I think that until he matures some, we'll keep him sidelined from future church singing!