Thursday, January 28, 2010

War Wounds from Preschool

Jacob had a few injuries at preschool during the last couple of weeks. He frequently gets bumps and bruises, but these were a bit unique. I had a message on my voicemail at work one mornng literally five minutes after I dropped the kids off asking me to call in. Jacob had fallen against a stack of chairs and pinched his ear between two chairs on the way down. It resulted in a very swollen and bruised ear. Fortunately it was the top part, so no worries about internal ear damage. It was pretty ugly and the picture below doesn't do it justice.

He also came home a few days in a row last week with multiple fingernail scratches on his face and neck. There are a couple of girls in his class who like to scratch. Lovely. Jacob isn't completely blameless, but I'm thankful that he hasn't picked up this trait from these girls who also like to bite him. I literally almost cried when I saw his face on the third night. It looked like a cat got him. I can handle bumps and bruises, but scratches can scar. The teachers felt horrible and worked hard at addressing the situation. So far, so good!