Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

This last month went by in a blur. The weeks leading up to Christmas were very busy getting ready for Christmas. I don't know if I've ever been so exhausted! Only being able to do things after bedtimes and naptimes took a toll. I was blessed with having the days between Christmas and New Year's off to recuperate and get home projects done. I think that I cleaned out every closet, cabinet, and drawer in the house! I love having a clean and organized house again. We packed away a lot of the baby items into the basement. After Jacob was through with them, we just stuffed them into a spare bedroom since we knew we would need them again soon with Bailey. It is both sad and liberating putting these items away. I love having some of the house back, but at the same time not knowing if we'll need them again is kind of sad to me.

Other than Christmas day, we really didn't have many things to do over break. It was great to spend quiet time with the kids playing with their new toys. I'm ready to go back to work tomorrow, but will miss the extra time with the kids.

I saved uploading pictures and working on the blog to my last day off, so enjoy all of my catch-up below. I have lots of posts for you to read!!!

Jacob with his New Year's crown he made at school

Jacob celebrating at a friend's house New Year's Eve, yes he is wearing jewelery, and no I don't think Dan was thrilled :)