Saturday, April 18, 2009


I don't have anything major to talk about this week, so I thought I would post updates on how we're all doing.

Bailey is still doing great. I thought Jacob was an easy baby, but Bailey is even better! She is very passive and sleeps most days. She is often alert during the evening hours and the only time she fusses is when we're ready to put her to bed for the night. It usually requires an extra feeding and some rocking, but once she goes to sleep, our night is pretty simple. She does get up once or twice to eat, but that is usually a quick process. Last night she slept for 6 1/2 straight hours!! At her check-up this week she weighed in at 7 lbs 4 oz, almost a pound weight gain in one week! She is doing great, so I'm not going to worry if she has a long stretch of sleep at night without eating. Her umbilical cord stump came off the other night, so I plan on doing her first real bath here soon. I think that she'll actually like it.... Jacob HATED baths for the first couple of months.

Jacob is Jacob. He came home Thursday night with a fever and kept us up most of the night trying to hydrate him. His fever broke around 10:00, but then his temperature got all the way down to 94 degrees!! I talked to the 24-hour nurse several times that night trying to figure out what to do. His temperature was probably low because he was pretty dehydrated. He was literally about an hour away from an ER visit, but Dan used a syringe to get fluids down his throat since he was refusing to drink all night. Talk about tough love!! He ended up with a wet diaper, thank goodness, but we spent all day Friday trying to get his hydration level back to normal. At least he acted fine. Who knows what was wrong with him.

I'm doing okay. A bacterial infection developed in my incision earlier this week. I've been to the doctor a couple of times now due to this and the second visit resulted in more medication for me to take since the first set isn't doing the trick. The infection has set my recovery back a bit, which is frustrating. I guess only a small percentage of people get these, so I'm one of the lucky few! There are worse things, but I am just ready to feel good again. I long for the days of running around with Jacob and being able to do more active things. Patience, patience!!!

Dan is coaching our church softball team again this year and had his first practice this past week. The first game is on Tuesday and I'll have both kids home by myself for the first time! Dan's cousin, Rachel, and her fiancee helped me out with Jacob while Dan was at his practice last week. I'm still sore and lifting Jacob is challenging. I've been lifting him a little more today trying to test what I can do. I swear the kid gained a lot of weight in the last few weeks!! Dan has class on Saturday, so I'll get the kids to myself that day as well! I've been lucky so far not having to juggle the two of them much beyond an hour or so in the evenings while Dan works out. I think that once I'm healed, it won't seem that daunting of a task :)

Well, hope everyone has a good week!!