Saturday, March 29, 2008

Quiet Weekend Planned

We are enjoying this weekend because we don't have any obligations other than to relax! We just went to the mall to return some clothes that Jacob can't wear and to find some long-sleeve shirts for him to get him by until summer. Unfortunately all of the stores are stocked full of summer clothes and long-sleeves are long gone. We are very ready for warmer weather for many reasons, but one main reason is that we are anxious to put Jacob in his cute summer clothes! This was Jacob's first shopping trip to the mall. He played all morning so he was due for a long nap, which served us well why we shopped. I can't navigate the stroller very well and probably knocked into almost every corner I took, but Jacob didn't seem to notice :)

We plan on watching the basketball games tonight. My final two (NC and UCLA) are still going strong, but my bracket hasn't gone as well as I had hoped. The house finally got cleaned this past week (only took me six days!) and I am trying to tackle spring cleaning whenever I get a spare minute. Everything takes so long to get done these days. Rascal is starting to shed his winter coat so keeping the house clean is near impossible. I hate finding dog hair on Jacob's things.

Since we could sleep in some this morning, I made the executive decision last night to try and let Jacob cry himself back to sleep if he got up in the middle of the night. Sure enough, he woke up around 3:00 and lasted a little while with his pacifier before going into an all-out wail. We shut his bedroom door as well as ours and tried to go back to sleep. After about 30-45 minutes of him crying I gave up and went in to try and soothe him. The poor kid's face was soaked with tears and his cry was like none other that we have heard so far - it sounded like he was truly terrified. I discovered that he had a very wet and poopy diaper. He never poops in the middle of the night, so maybe that was the cause of his crying, who knows. Anyways after a diaper change, he continued to cry hard, so I gave in and fed him. Even after going into his milk coma, he still had the crying after-effect sucking in for air noises that you get after having a really good cry. This is the first time he has ever had them and it really broke my heart. I feel like the worst mom, even though I had his best intentions in mind. I have no idea how to break him from waking up in the middle of the night crying. It is so much easier to just feed him and then go back to sleep, but I'm trying really hard to follow the doctor's orders. Any moms have any advice for me?