Thursday, March 20, 2008

4-Month Check-Up

Today started out on a rough note. Both Dan and Jacob are battling new colds this week and Dan decided for the first time in years to stay home from work. Dan normally drops Jacob off at daycare in the mornings so I had to take Jacob this morning. Well, in the daycare parking lot my car battery died. Before I could even get Dan on the phone to get help, another parent tapped on my window and offered to jump my car for me. What a nice guy. Bless his heart, I was your stereotypical dumb woman (in relation to car knowledge) and couldn't even figure out how to pop the hood. At least Dan had the good notion to equip my car with cables. Now I know why my car has been a little slow to start this past week!

Jacob's appointment went great. We discussed starting solid foods - our goal is to have him on three meals of solids a day by six months. I don't think that he is ready to start cereal yet, but we'll see! We also discussed his night sleeping. I was told to stop night feedings and let him cry in the middle of the night. This will be so hard but I am hopeful that Jacob will adjust and learn how to soothe himself. We also discussed helping him develop his motor skills and mobility. He was such a trooper through his shots. He turned tomato red and cried hard for about one minute, but got over it. So far tonight he has been doing great. We went for a walk and played quite a bit. We have been practicing sitting and he can sit upright for a little while before toppling over. He still has a long ways to go, but it is fun to work with him on this. He loves being upright so he doesn't seem to mind!

Here are his 4-month stats:

Weight - 16lbs 4oz (74th percentile)
Length - 25 1/2 inches (66th percentile)
Head circumference - 50th percentile

I know I promised pictures, but I don't have the energy to post any right now!